VW Lounge > OFF Topic

car for sale


this hillbilly buys a car for the first time,
as he is going down the road he gets in a fender bender, teh witty culprit "city slicker" tells him not to worry, he can just pop the dent out by blowing on the valve stem really hard  I1t and it will pop out. the hiibilly thanks the witty guy who  drives away laughing his ears off.
after two hours a friend of the h.b. drives by and sees his friend with his dilema and asks what he is doing so  the h.b.
tells him the story of the dent and how he is going to pop it out, his friend yells at him "are you stupid? thats not going to work! why? asks the first guy, the second guy replies, well  becauses your windows are rolled down you dummy!

 LoL LoL LoL LoL LoL LoL LoL LoL LoL LoL LoL sick but funny!


Please don't tell me thats how they do it down at Franks Auto body!  gifsawsall


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