SJVWC Forums

Events & Cruises => Upcoming Events & Cruises => Topic started by: lovebus (jack) on August 26, 2012, 06:46:09 pm

Title: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: lovebus (jack) on August 26, 2012, 06:46:09 pm
Another big show for SJVWC in Sept. It's time to bring Mr. Pushme back to South Jersey **^bana0
We have to put CJVWS, Long Island and Connecticut and who ever else wants Mr. Pushme in their losing place. It's WAR What strong young men of SJVWC will bring the trophy home and have our name on it for the third time, speak up Lads..........

Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Bugaru "JAY" on August 26, 2012, 08:19:45 pm
Who Has the 8 Rasta Dred Lock Hats that we bought for the 1st Year that we WoN this Event as the
"SJVW Dub Sled Team"..

 They were in a brown cardboard Box measuring about 6" High x 12" square..

 Oh-oooo snap, let me think  &$hmmthin_+ what's under Ramons Rasta. Sure as hell big enough to hide a Beetle and a heard of Rasta Race Hats..  #@rofl3  ??bananablond?

2nd thought, after looking at the picture Ramon is giving the Thumbs up.. Looks like he's trying to tell us something?  [LMAO]
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Soul Rebel 67(Ramon) on August 26, 2012, 11:13:51 pm
  &$hmmthin_+  I've got more than 80 hats! only thing, they don't have dreads in them!  *lmao
 ??bananablond? ??bananablond? ??bananablond? ??bananablond? ??bananablond? ??bananablond? ??bananablond? ??bananablond?
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: vwtrike (Rich) on August 27, 2012, 11:30:44 am
Everybody looked cool in those hats. 2@@cool
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Soul Rebel 67(Ramon) on September 05, 2012, 09:23:48 pm
Well after winning the Klub Kompetition the first 2yrs, the guys of the other clubs are actually gearing up for this yrs kompetition! I hope we have some real pushers this year! All that trash talking after we won, now it's crickets, can't hear anyone! %$oldcit  Who's pushing this year???
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Bugaru "JAY" on September 05, 2012, 09:43:23 pm
Who Has the 8 Rasta Dred Lock Hats that we bought for the 1st Year that we WoN this Event as the
"SJVW Dub Sled Team"..

 They were in a brown cardboard Box measuring about 6" High x 12" square..

 . Will The Real Rasta Dude Please Stand UP... Who's Gots that Hats???????????

 Oh-oooo snap, let me think  &$hmmthin_+ what's under Ramons Rasta. Sure as hell big enough to hide a Beetle and a heard of Rasta Race Hats..  #@rofl3  ??bananablond?

2nd thought, after looking at the picture Ramon is giving the Thumbs up.. Looks like he's trying to tell us something?  [LMAO]
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Beetleboi -Greg- on September 05, 2012, 09:52:52 pm
Can't wait for this show!!! I look forward to it all year. Still gotta hook up the radio in my bus.
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Fire Lady (Michelle) on September 06, 2012, 02:48:43 pm
This is a great show and a GREAT campout!!! 

Yeah, maybe if we wear the rasta hats again, we can win our trophy back!  Where are they?

Whose pushing??? Come on boys... the bug won't push itself...
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Bugaru "JAY" on September 06, 2012, 08:39:07 pm
This is a great show and a GREAT campout!!!  

Yeah, maybe if we wear the rasta hats again, we can win our trophy back!  Where are they?

Whose pushing??? Come on boys... the bug won't push itself...

 Someone must have histed them.. And we paid good money for those Rasta's..
 That Year "Look at The Pic" The SJWVC DUB Sled Team put on a professional well orginized Push to the Championship bringing home the Gold.
 What in the hell was it the following year with those fruity scarfs, what was the Theme?  :confused04:;

 I'm still thinking that some cool Rasta Dude who lives on the other side stuffed them someplace special just so we couldn't be cool like him.  #banghead
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Beetleboi -Greg- on September 10, 2012, 05:36:58 pm
I think we bought the scarves from somebody selling them at the show.

Who is going? Most importantly, who is camping and what are you bringing to cook?

If we don't have enough pushers I think I'll head out in the morning after the camp out.
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: kvbug (karen) on September 10, 2012, 08:59:39 pm
I can't, sorry.  My father in laws' auto museum is having it's grand opening this weekend,  and I have to be there.
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Beetleboi -Greg- on September 10, 2012, 10:07:51 pm
Is there Camping KV? =-)
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Beetleboi -Greg- on September 10, 2012, 10:11:53 pm
Michelle Yucel, Rose Tyler, Shawn and Tracy, Ramone, if you are all camping do you want to meet at the diner on 206 and head up like we've done in the past?
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: kvbug (karen) on September 10, 2012, 10:13:54 pm
Camping at the Museum?  No..   #@rofl3     However, there is family obligation...
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: skibumtgm on September 11, 2012, 09:41:18 am
not going to make it this year my aunt is in town and the fam is getting together so i will be at her place at the beach for the weekend.
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Beetleboi -Greg- on September 11, 2012, 11:02:38 am
Bummer Tyler and Rose, you will be missed.
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Fire Lady (Michelle) on September 11, 2012, 11:15:54 am
Bummer Tyler.

I know Yucel was recruiting pushers at last nights meeting. He got at least one. Do we need 4 or 5? I think they changed it at some point. Matt- will you have your car there for us to push?

Y & I will be at my mom's Friday night so we will meet you in Flanders. Text me when you leave south jersey and we'll head over since we are about an hour away. Ramon may get up there early, I told him to park in the corner we had 2 years ago.

We are planning to eat in the German club so we don't have to bring as much stuff. Just brining stuff to make pickelbacks!
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Soul Rebel 67(Ramon) on September 11, 2012, 11:24:14 am
Im going up I-95 to 206. Not sure where on 206 ur talking about.... What time u guys heading up? I was going around 11am.
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Soul Rebel 67(Ramon) on September 12, 2012, 06:44:24 pm
forecast for sat 70s day... 48 night! I'll have extra padding!
Oh, by the way i had an MRI yestrday and i have a torn MCL and other stuff... #banghead  aka BAD KNEE!!!
But i said i'm camping, so i'll be there!  %$oldcit
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: kvbug (karen) on September 12, 2012, 07:33:17 pm
Hope it's not your clutch knee   bawlin)0   Sorry to hear that, Ramon.  Be careful walking on all that uneven ground up there.
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: 50split(paul) on September 12, 2012, 11:11:11 pm
leaving from laurel springs around 6 am sunday. anyone else cruising up around this time?
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: skibumtgm on September 13, 2012, 08:29:23 am
so pissed im missing camping with ramone
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: lovebus (jack) on September 13, 2012, 10:22:02 am
Can't make it this year. bawlin)0

So have fun and bring that trophy home
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: skibumtgm on September 13, 2012, 10:31:34 am
yea what jack said i want to be wearing a blue unity suit and trash talking my a** off a year from now.
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: rich67vw on September 13, 2012, 11:20:40 am
yes, what Ty said &^rofl
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Soul Rebel 67(Ramon) on September 13, 2012, 06:14:41 pm
Don't forget to bring ur valve cover racers!!! (*speeder
Rebel Racing Team is ready!!!
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Bugaru "JAY" on September 13, 2012, 08:30:12 pm
Don't forget to bring ur valve cover racers!!! (*speeder
Rebel Racing Team is ready!!!

 Dude.. Did you build another racer.. I thought that I Stomped on and Squished the Chit out of that thing..  #@rofl3

Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: KenLT1 on September 13, 2012, 08:44:47 pm
Ken n Rog in there 1971 Bug will be goin up sat am  . have a room at
the Hotel in Bud Lake.  hope to meet more of the club this week end.
U all know the Green Bug that sat for a long time on rt-73 so wont
be hard to know its us..
 See you all there..
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Fire Lady (Michelle) on September 13, 2012, 09:10:42 pm
Ken- make sure to come over Sat for the festivities before heading to the hotel. Yucel and I are in an orange '78 Westy and we'll be parked with Ramon's gorgeous blue bug... be sure to find us.

Hope you can make it Shawn!  I think Yucel has recruited a team of 4 pushers so hopefully we can bring the trophy back to south Jersey.
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Baha (Shawn) on September 13, 2012, 11:24:18 pm
My mom is still in the hospital. Will visit on Saturday and see how she's doing. Won't know if we're coming up till after that. Wish you guys the best of luck in the Dub Push. Bring Mr Puschme home!

Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: KenLT1 on September 14, 2012, 05:00:45 pm
Ken n Rog will be heanding up sat morning about 9ish or so.. plans call for goin the full
way  up on 206. will fuel part way up as the fuel gauge is out on the bug..  cell here is
856-816-2278 if anyone want to caravan up..
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Baha (Shawn) on September 14, 2012, 06:59:30 pm
 9 is a little late... The place will be packed by then

7:30 is the latest I would leave (in a VW)  jusy my opinion
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: KenLT1 on September 14, 2012, 07:20:47 pm
Baha  (Shawn)
   Did I miss read or somethn.. the flyer im reading right now Friday at 7:15 says Gates OPEN
at 2PM on Sat for camping n VW Camaraderie  and then again at 8am on SUNDAY.. for show
games an the swap meet..  since I have no ph # to recomfirm this .. hope  you read this , or
somebody can re confirm .. here is my cell again 856-816-2278   we planned on an easy ride
up on Sat , lunch n then into the camp for the afternoon n back to Hotel for the night , then
back at the show by about 7am on Sunday..   if this infoe is wrong could some one let
me know..
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: VWPANZER1 on September 14, 2012, 10:31:43 pm
   I'm sorry to miss Flanders this year. But  in conflicts with our 42nd year annual family Crab Fest, as well as two other events.
It alway seems like all the good events happen on the same date and the other weekends go begging.
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Soul Rebel 67(Ramon) on September 15, 2012, 12:07:46 am
Joe, sorry to hear bout ur conflicts . I'll take pics and maybe some video from the races.

Rog, ur good! If u guys wanna join myself and a few O.C.O.D members caravaning up tomoro, u welcome to roll up with us. We are heading up I-95 to 206N towards Flanders. We should be getting on 206 around 12:30pm, hoping to get there around 1:30pm. txt me if anything. i wont be online until i get there. 610-986-2069
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Baha (Shawn) on September 15, 2012, 07:57:56 am
Ken, Im sorry...For some reason I read Sun..... If you're going up Sat youre fine...  #banghead

Anybody going up Sunday morning that Danny(Herbie) Cozzie can follow?
Title: Re: All Air Cooled Gathering
Post by: Baha (Shawn) on September 16, 2012, 01:07:27 pm,