Down here they have this weird fixation with license plates. Every one covets the low number license black plates. The Governor has #1 the Lt. governor has 2 and so on down the line. People feel that the lower the number you have, the more important you are.

I myself have only wanted a black plate because I drive a black car. A guy once even came up to me at a show and said the one thing that would complete my car is the black plate. ( the current one is navy blue and gold)
So this year I decided to enter the License Plate Lottery. It is run by the Delaware DMV and it gives you the chance to win a 5 digit blue and gold plate. This is important for two reasons. You can only get the black plates through a specific outside company. You can get black market ones but they are ugly. The number on your plate must be lower than 200,000. Regular plates are 6 digits. Most black plates are 5 or less. When the Lottery opens, you register on their website and starting first week in November, they start choosing numbers. I was lucky enough to be contacted that I had won.
After waiting 3 weeks for info, I was told I could pick them up. They said all i needed was my registration, title and license. Hot dog! Sat in Motor Vehicle for one and a half hours. Twenty minutes of paperwork (?) Then told to fork over $60! What? It didn't say anything in the email about $60! Oh well, can't win at the DMV.
So I have my blue and gold 5 digit plate. On to the website. I ordered just the plate and resisted the temptation to buy the black or chrome surrounding for the plate or the clear plastic cover (40 bucks each) but now have the pleasure of waiting another 3 weeks for the one plate to come in. All for only $125.
I keep thinking about what I could have bought in parts for the car with this money. But at least now I can die happy knowing that Ned is dressed properly and my kids have something else to trash when I go.